Adult Bible Fellowships • Sundays at 9:45am
Every Sunday at 9:45 am, we host several Adult Bible Fellowships called ChurchLink. If you haven’t yet joined us, we encourage you to get plugged in! We have fellowships for ladies, married couples, young adults and more. No matter what life-stage you are in, we have a ChurchLink Fellowship for you.

Adult Bible Study taught by Pastor Tim Rasmussen
Sundays at 9:45 am in in the Main Auditorium
Join Pastor Tim for the Navigators Bible Study this Sunday at 9:45 in the Main Auditorium. Each week you will find great Christian fellowship and hear solid teaching from God’s Word. The Navigators Bible Study is also live-streamed to our church website and Facebook on Sundays for your convenience.

Couples Bible Study taught by Pastor Kyle Melton & Mr. John Rasmussen
Sundays at 9:45 am in the Lower Gym Fellowship Hall
Families of Faith is a class geared toward couples, single parents, blended families, and those interested in receiving biblical teaching on the topics of marriage and child-rearing from infancy through the teen years. Lessons are filled with biblical application and humor as we face the critical issues that affect our daily lives and family relationships. You will not only enjoy the practical teaching but also the fellowship and friendships you will develop with those navigating through these areas along with you!

Ladies Bible Study taught by Mrs. Kelly Rasmussen
Sundays at 9:45 am in the Library
LACE is a great place to create meaningful friendships, enjoy fun activities, find encouragement from other Christians, and discover God's truths about your life. All ladies are invited to join us this Sunday morning at 9:45 in the Library. We can’t wait to see you there!

Bible Study for college age adults taught by Pastor Matt Connors
Sundays at 9:45 am in the South Campus Chapel
Every week, the college-age students of our church meet to worship the Lord through singing, to study God's Word, and to learn more about how to apply God's truths to their lives. If you are a college age adult, we hope you will join us this week in the South Campus Chapel for a time of fellowship and Bible study.

Bible Study for Young Singles taught by Sid Quashie & Oscar Orozco
Sundays at 9:45 am in Room 7
Join us this Sunday at 9:45am for our Crossroads class which exists to equip single adults with the tools needed to thrive in life! This adult Bible fellowship is for single adults who are looking to study the Bible for practical, life application and to form encouraging friendships.
Bible Study for men taught by Mr. Ben Johnson & Mr. Bill Meneses
Sundays at 9:45 am in Room 11
The Men of Faith Bible study is dedicated to helping men discover Biblical truths for becoming a man of God. The lessons challenge men to deepen their walk with the Lord and be the men that God has called them to be. This class provides opportunities to make friends with other Christian men and discuss how the Bible applies to real life.