Give Online
The Bible teaches that giving is a part of growing in our faith. It is an act of worship and a response to what God has done for us.If the Lord has touched your heart about supporting His work here in Canoga Park, we hope these tools will help you to enjoy the grace of giving.
Other Ways to Give

Text an amount to 818.722.8982.
Receive a link to set up account and payment information.
Receive a confirmation text that your contribution processed.
Text amount only to give to the church general fund (e.g., 100).
Text amount and fund name to designate a gift (e.g., Missions/Faith Promise).
Text “Keywords” for a list of available funds.
Text “Edit” to update your saved payment information.

Mobile App Giving
Download ShelbyNEXT Giving app from the app store.
Search for “Faith Baptist Church.”
Create donor profile and set up payment information.
Set up one-time or recurring gifts.
View online giving history.